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I need a

cupcake and

a hug!

There are times in life where all we really want is sweetness and compassion.  Unexpected circumstances such as illness, financial problems, the loss of a loved one or a broken heart can leave us feeling lost and unsure.


The Cupcake and a Hug sessions are designed to help you look through your pain and teach you how to connect with your intuition.  You have all the answers to your questions, you just don't know how to find them.  These sessions are 60-90 minutes in length and can be done via telephone, video or online chat unless you live in Central California where I would be happy to meet with you in person.


As a Certified Grief Inuitive Coach I can shine a light on why this is happening and how you'll make it through.  After surviving the death of my son I have first hand experience with how to use your pain as fuel to find meaning in  your life.   I can also share some really great recipes for fattening desserts, if you are interested.



First session $99

Additional sessions $39

*Upon confirmation of payment you will be contacted to schedule your session within 24 hours.

free online life coach Shannon Harris life coach bereaved mother breaking the rules of grief free life coach


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